Source code for runhouse.resources.tables.table

import copy
import logging
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, List, Optional

import fsspec

import ray

from runhouse import Folder
from runhouse.globals import rns_client

from runhouse.resources.folders import folder
from runhouse.resources.hardware.utils import _current_cluster, _get_cluster_from
from runhouse.resources.resource import Resource

PREFETCH_KWARG = "prefetch_batches" if ray.__version__ >= "2.4.0" else "prefetch_blocks"

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Table(Resource): RESOURCE_TYPE = "table" DEFAULT_FOLDER_PATH = "/runhouse-table" DEFAULT_CACHE_FOLDER = ".cache/runhouse/tables" DEFAULT_STREAM_FORMAT = "pyarrow" DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE = 256 DEFAULT_PREFETCH_BATCHES = 1
[docs] def __init__( self, path: str, name: Optional[str] = None, file_name: Optional[str] = None, system: Optional[str] = None, data_config: Optional[dict] = None, dryrun: bool = False, partition_cols: Optional[List] = None, stream_format: Optional[str] = None, metadata: Optional[Dict] = None, **kwargs, ): """ The Runhouse Table object. .. note:: To build a Table, please use the factory method :func:`table`. """ super().__init__(name=name, dryrun=dryrun) self.file_name = file_name # Use factory method so correct subclass for system is returned # strip filename from path if provided self._folder = folder( path=str(Path(path).parents[0]) if Path(path).suffix else path, system=system, data_config=data_config, dryrun=dryrun, ) self._cached_data = None self.partition_cols = partition_cols self.stream_format = stream_format or self.DEFAULT_STREAM_FORMAT self.metadata = metadata or {}
@staticmethod def from_config(config: dict, dryrun=False, _resolve_children=True): if _resolve_children: config = Table._check_for_child_configs(config) return _load_table_subclass(config, dryrun=dryrun) def config(self, condensed=True): config = super().config(condensed) if isinstance(self._folder, Resource): config["system"] = self._resource_string_for_subconfig( self.system, condensed ) config["data_config"] = self._folder._data_config else: config["system"] = self.system self.save_attrs_to_config( config, ["path", "partition_cols", "metadata", "file_name"] ) config.update(config) return config @classmethod def _check_for_child_configs(cls, config: dict): """Overload by child resources to load any resources they hold internally.""" system = config.get("system") if isinstance(system, str) or isinstance(system, dict): config["system"] = _get_cluster_from(system) return config @property def data(self) -> "": """Get the table data. If data is not already cached, return a Ray dataset. With the dataset object we can stream or convert to other types, for example: .. code-block:: python data.iter_batches() data.to_pandas() data.to_dask() """ if self._cached_data is not None: return self._cached_data return self._read_ray_dataset() @data.setter def data(self, new_data): """Update the data blob to new data""" self._cached_data = new_data # TODO should we save here? # @property def system(self): return self._folder.system @system.setter def system(self, new_system): self._folder.system = new_system @property def path(self): if self.file_name: return f"{self._folder.path}/{self.file_name}" return self._folder.path @path.setter def path(self, new_path): self._folder.path = new_path def set_metadata(self, key, val): self.metadata[key] = val def get_metadata(self, key): return self.metadata.get(key) @property def fsspec_url(self): if self.file_name: return f"{self._folder.fsspec_url}/{self.file_name}" return self._folder.fsspec_url @property def data_config(self): return self._folder.data_config @data_config.setter def data_config(self, new_data_config): self._folder.data_config = new_data_config # @classmethod # def from_name(cls, name, dryrun=False): # """Load existing Table via its name.""" # config = rns_client.load_config(name=name) # if not config: # raise ValueError(f"Table {name} not found.") # # # We don't need to load the cluster dict here (if system is a cluster) because the table init # # goes through the Folder factory method, which handles that. # # # Add this table's name to the resource artifact registry if part of a run # rns_client.add_upstream_resource(name) # # # Uses the table subclass associated with the `resource_subtype` # table_cls = _load_table_subclass(config=config, dryrun=dryrun) # return table_cls.from_config(config=config, dryrun=dryrun)
[docs] def to(self, system, path=None, data_config=None): """Copy and return the table on the given filesystem and path. Example: >>> local_table = rh.table(data, path="local/path") >>> s3_table ="s3") >>> cluster_table = """ new_table = copy.copy(self) new_table._folder = system=system, path=path, data_config=data_config ) return new_table
def _save_sub_resources(self, folder: str = None): if isinstance(self.system, Resource):
[docs] def write(self): """Write underlying table data to fsspec URL. Example: >>> rh.table(data, path="path/to/write").write() """ import pandas as pd import pyarrow as pa import if self._cached_data is not None: data_to_write = if isinstance(data_to_write, pd.DataFrame): data_to_write = self._ray_dataset_from_pandas(data_to_write) if isinstance(data_to_write, pa.Table): data_to_write = self._ray_dataset_from_arrow(data_to_write) if not isinstance(data_to_write, raise TypeError(f"Invalid Table format {type(data_to_write)}") self._write_ray_dataset(data_to_write)"Saved {str(self)} to: {self.fsspec_url}") return self
[docs] def fetch(self, columns: Optional[list] = None) -> "pa.Table": """Returns the complete table contents. Example: >>> table = rh.table(data) >>> fomratted_data = table.fetch() """ # self._cached_data = self.read_table_from_file(columns) if self._cached_data is not None: return self._cached_data # When trying to read a file like object could lead to IsADirectoryError if the folder path is actually a # directory and the file has been automatically generated for us inside the folder # (ex: with pyarrow table or with partitioned data that saves multiple files within the directory) try: import pyarrow.parquet as pq table_data = pq.read_table( self.path, columns=columns, filesystem=self._folder.fsspec_fs ) if not table_data: raise ValueError(f"No table data found in path: {self.path}") self._cached_data = table_data return self._cached_data except: raise Exception(f"Failed to read table in path: {self.path}")
def __getstate__(self): """Override the pickle method to clear _cached_data before pickling.""" state = self.__dict__.copy() state["_cached_data"] = None return state def __iter__(self): for block in for sample in block: yield sample def __len__(self): import pandas as pd import if isinstance(, pd.DataFrame): len_dataset =[0] elif isinstance(, len_dataset = else: if not hasattr(, "__len__") or not raise RuntimeError("Cannot get len for dataset.") else: len_dataset = len( return len_dataset def __str__(self): return self.__class__.__name__
[docs] def stream( self, batch_size: int, drop_last: bool = False, shuffle_seed: Optional[int] = None, shuffle_buffer_size: Optional[int] = None, prefetch_batches: Optional[int] = None, ): """Return a local batched iterator over the ray dataset. Example: >>> table = rh.table(data) >>> batches = >>> for _, batch in batches: >>> print(batch) """ ray_data = if self.stream_format == "torch": # return ray_data.iter_torch_batches( batch_size=batch_size, drop_last=drop_last, local_shuffle_buffer_size=shuffle_buffer_size, local_shuffle_seed=shuffle_seed, # We need to do this to handle the name change of the prefetch_batches argument in ray 2.4.0 **{PREFETCH_KWARG: prefetch_batches or self.DEFAULT_PREFETCH_BATCHES}, ) elif self.stream_format == "tf": # return ray_data.iter_tf_batches( batch_size=batch_size, drop_last=drop_last, local_shuffle_buffer_size=shuffle_buffer_size, local_shuffle_seed=shuffle_seed, # We need to do this to handle the name change of the prefetch_batches argument in ray 2.4.0 **{PREFETCH_KWARG: prefetch_batches or self.DEFAULT_PREFETCH_BATCHES}, ) else: # return ray_data.iter_batches( batch_size=batch_size, batch_format=self.stream_format, drop_last=drop_last, local_shuffle_buffer_size=shuffle_buffer_size, local_shuffle_seed=shuffle_seed, # We need to do this to handle the name change of the prefetch_batches argument in ray 2.4.0 **{PREFETCH_KWARG: prefetch_batches or self.DEFAULT_PREFETCH_BATCHES}, )
def _read_ray_dataset(self, columns: Optional[List[str]] = None): """Read parquet data as a ray dataset object.""" # dataset = self.fsspec_url, columns=columns, filesystem=self._folder.fsspec_fs ) return dataset def _write_ray_dataset(self, data_to_write: ""): """Write a ray dataset to a fsspec filesystem""" if self.partition_cols: # TODO [JL]: logger.warning("Partitioning by column not currently supported.") pass # delete existing contents or they'll just be appended to self.rm() # # data_to_write.repartition(os.cpu_count() * 2).write_parquet( data_to_write.write_parquet(self.fsspec_url, filesystem=self._folder.fsspec_fs) @staticmethod def _ray_dataset_from_arrow(data: "pa.Table"): """Convert an Arrow Table to a Ray Dataset""" import return @staticmethod def _ray_dataset_from_pandas(data: "pd.DataFrame"): """Convert an Pandas DataFrame to a Ray Dataset""" import return
[docs] def read_table_from_file(self, columns: Optional[list] = None): """Read a table from it's path. Example: >>> table = rh.table(path="path/to/table") >>> table_data = table.read_table_from_file() """ try: import pyarrow.parquet as pq with, mode="rb", **self.data_config) as t: table_data = pq.read_table(t.full_name, columns=columns) return table_data except: return None
[docs] def rm(self, recursive: bool = True): """Delete table, including its partitioned files where relevant. Example: >>> table = rh.table(path="path/to/table") >>> table.rm() """ # self._folder.rm(recursive=recursive)
[docs] def exists_in_system(self): """Whether the table exists in file system. Example: >>> table.exists_in_system() """ return ( self._folder.exists_in_system() and len( >= 1 )
def _load_table_subclass(config: dict, dryrun: bool, data=None): """Load the relevant Table subclass based on the config or data type provided""" resource_subtype = config.get("resource_subtype", Table.__name__) try: import datasets if resource_subtype == "HuggingFaceTable" or isinstance(data, datasets.Dataset): from .huggingface_table import HuggingFaceTable return HuggingFaceTable(**config, dryrun=dryrun) except ModuleNotFoundError: pass except Exception as e: raise e try: import pandas as pd if resource_subtype == "PandasTable" or isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): from .pandas_table import PandasTable return PandasTable(**config, dryrun=dryrun) except ModuleNotFoundError: pass except Exception as e: raise e try: import dask.dataframe as dd if resource_subtype == "DaskTable" or isinstance(data, dd.DataFrame): from .dask_table import DaskTable return DaskTable(**config, dryrun=dryrun) except ModuleNotFoundError: pass except Exception as e: raise e try: import if resource_subtype == "RayTable" or isinstance(data, from .ray_table import RayTable return RayTable(**config, dryrun=dryrun) except ModuleNotFoundError: pass except Exception as e: raise e try: import cudf if resource_subtype == "CudfTable" or isinstance(data, cudf.DataFrame): raise NotImplementedError("Cudf not currently supported") except ModuleNotFoundError: pass except Exception as e: raise e try: import pyarrow as pa if resource_subtype == "Table" or isinstance(data, pa.Table): new_table = Table(**config, dryrun=dryrun) return new_table except ModuleNotFoundError: pass except Exception as e: raise e raise TypeError( f"Unsupported data type {type(data)} for Table construction. " f"For converting data to pyarrow see: " f"" )
[docs]def table( data=None, name: Optional[str] = None, path: Optional[str] = None, system: Optional[str] = None, data_config: Optional[dict] = None, partition_cols: Optional[list] = None, mkdir: bool = False, dryrun: bool = False, stream_format: Optional[str] = None, metadata: Optional[dict] = None, ) -> Table: """Constructs a Table object, which can be used to interact with the table at the given path. Args: data: Data to be stored in the table. name (Optional[str]): Name for the table, to reuse it later on. path (Optional[str]): Full path to the data file. system (Optional[str]): File system. Currently this must be one of: [``file``, ``github``, ``sftp``, ``ssh``, ``s3``, ``gs``, ``azure``]. data_config (Optional[dict]): The data config to pass to the underlying fsspec handler. partition_cols (Optional[list]): List of columns to partition the table by. mkdir (bool): Whether to create a remote folder for the table. (Default: ``False``) dryrun (bool): Whether to create the Table if it doesn't exist, or load a Table object as a dryrun. (Default: ``False``) stream_format (Optional[str]): Format to stream the Table as. Currently this must be one of: [``pyarrow``, ``torch``, ``tf``, ``pandas``] metadata (Optional[dict]): Metadata to store for the table. Returns: Table: The resulting Table object. Example: >>> import runhouse as rh >>> # Create and save (pandas) table >>> rh.table( >>> data=data, >>> name="~/my_test_pandas_table", >>> path="table_tests/test_pandas_table.parquet", >>> system="file", >>> mkdir=True, >>> ).save() >>> >>> # Load table from above >>> reloaded_table = rh.table(name="~/my_test_pandas_table") """ if name and not any( [ data is not None, path, system, data_config, partition_cols, stream_format, metadata, ] ): # Try reloading existing table return Table.from_name(name, dryrun) system = _get_cluster_from( system or _current_cluster(key="config") or Folder.DEFAULT_FS, dryrun=dryrun ) file_name = None if path: # Extract the file name from the path if provided full_path = Path(path) file_suffix = full_path.suffix if file_suffix: path = str(full_path.parent) file_name = if path is None: # If no path is provided we need to create one based on the name of the table table_name_in_path = rns_client.resolve_rns_data_resource_name(name) if system == rns_client.DEFAULT_FS or ( isinstance(system, Resource) and system.on_this_cluster() ): # create random path to store in .cache folder of local filesystem path = str( Path( f"~/{Table.DEFAULT_CACHE_FOLDER}/{table_name_in_path}" ).expanduser() ) else: # save to the default bucket path = f"{Table.DEFAULT_FOLDER_PATH}/{table_name_in_path}" config = { "system": system, "name": name, "path": path, "file_name": file_name, "data_config": data_config, "partition_cols": partition_cols, "stream_format": stream_format, "metadata": metadata, } new_table = _load_table_subclass(config=config, dryrun=dryrun, data=data) if data is not None: = data return new_table