Source code for runhouse.resources.hardware.on_demand_cluster

import contextlib
import logging
import subprocess
import time
import warnings
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict

import rich.errors
import yaml

    import sky
    from sky.backends import backend_utils
except ImportError:

from runhouse.constants import (

from runhouse.globals import configs, rns_client
from runhouse.resources.hardware.utils import ServerConnectionType

from .cluster import Cluster

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class OnDemandCluster(Cluster): RESOURCE_TYPE = "cluster" RECONNECT_TIMEOUT = 5 DEFAULT_KEYFILE = "~/.ssh/sky-key"
[docs] def __init__( self, name, instance_type: str = None, num_instances: int = None, provider: str = None, default_env: "Env" = None, dryrun=False, autostop_mins=None, use_spot=False, image_id=None, memory=None, disk_size=None, open_ports=None, server_host: str = None, server_port: int = None, server_connection_type: str = None, ssl_keyfile: str = None, ssl_certfile: str = None, domain: str = None, den_auth: bool = False, region=None, **kwargs, # We have this here to ignore extra arguments when calling from from_config ): """ On-demand `SkyPilot <>`_ Cluster. .. note:: To build a cluster, please use the factory method :func:`cluster`. """ super().__init__( name=name, default_env=default_env, server_host=server_host, server_port=server_port, server_connection_type=server_connection_type, ssl_keyfile=ssl_keyfile, ssl_certfile=ssl_certfile, domain=domain, den_auth=den_auth, dryrun=dryrun, **kwargs, ) self.instance_type = instance_type self.num_instances = num_instances self.provider = provider or configs.get("default_provider") self._autostop_mins = ( autostop_mins if autostop_mins is not None else configs.get("default_autostop") ) self.open_ports = open_ports self.use_spot = use_spot if use_spot is not None else configs.get("use_spot") self.image_id = image_id self.region = region self.memory = memory self.disk_size = disk_size self.stable_internal_external_ips = kwargs.get( "stable_internal_external_ips", None ) # Checks if state info is in local sky db, populates if so. if not dryrun and not self.ips and not self.creds_values: # Cluster status is set to INIT in the Sky DB right after starting, so we need to refresh once self._update_from_sky_status(dryrun=False)
@property def autostop_mins(self): return self._autostop_mins @autostop_mins.setter def autostop_mins(self, mins): self.check_server() if self.on_this_cluster(): raise ValueError("Cannot set autostop_mins live on the cluster.") else: if self.run_python(["import skypilot"])[0] != 0: raise ImportError( "Skypilot must be installed on the cluster in order to set autostop." ) self.client.set_settings({"autostop_mins": mins}) sky.autostop(, mins, down=True) self._autostop_mins = mins def config(self, condensed=True): config = super().config(condensed) self.save_attrs_to_config( config, [ "instance_type", "num_instances", "provider", "open_ports", "use_spot", "image_id", "region", "stable_internal_external_ips", ], ) config["autostop_mins"] = self._autostop_mins return config
[docs] def endpoint(self, external=False): try: self.check_server() except ValueError: return None return super().endpoint(external)
def _copy_sky_yaml_from_cluster(self, abs_yaml_path: str): if not Path(abs_yaml_path).exists(): Path(abs_yaml_path).parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) self._rsync("~/.sky/sky_ray.yml", abs_yaml_path, up=False) # Save SSH info to the ~/.ssh/config ray_yaml = yaml.safe_load(open(abs_yaml_path, "r")) backend_utils.SSHConfigHelper.add_cluster(, [self.address], ray_yaml["auth"] ) @staticmethod def relative_yaml_path(yaml_path): if Path(yaml_path).is_absolute(): yaml_path = "~/.sky/generated/" + Path(yaml_path).name return yaml_path def set_connection_defaults(self): if self.server_connection_type in [ ServerConnectionType.AWS_SSM, ]: raise ValueError( f"OnDemandCluster does not support server connection type {self.server_connection_type}" ) if not self.server_connection_type: if self.ssl_keyfile or self.ssl_certfile: self.server_connection_type = ServerConnectionType.TLS else: self.server_connection_type = ServerConnectionType.SSH if self.server_port is None: if self.server_connection_type == ServerConnectionType.TLS: self.server_port = DEFAULT_HTTPS_PORT elif self.server_connection_type == ServerConnectionType.NONE: self.server_port = DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT else: self.server_port = DEFAULT_SERVER_PORT if ( self.server_connection_type in [ServerConnectionType.TLS, ServerConnectionType.NONE] and self.server_host in LOCAL_HOSTS ): warnings.warn( f"Server connection type: {self.server_connection_type}, server host: {self.server_host}. " f"Note that this will require opening an SSH tunnel to forward traffic from" f" {self.server_host} to the server." ) self.open_ports = ( [] if self.open_ports is None else [self.open_ports] if isinstance(self.open_ports, (int, str)) else self.open_ports ) if self.open_ports: self.open_ports = [str(p) for p in self.open_ports] if str(self.server_port) in self.open_ports: if ( self.server_connection_type in [ServerConnectionType.TLS, ServerConnectionType.NONE] and not self.den_auth ): warnings.warn( "Server is insecure and must be inside a VPC or have `den_auth` enabled to secure it." ) else: warnings.warn( f"Server port {self.server_port} not included in open ports. Note you are responsible for opening " f"the port or ensure you have access to it via a VPC." ) else: # If using HTTP or HTTPS must enable traffic on the relevant port if self.server_connection_type in [ ServerConnectionType.TLS, ServerConnectionType.NONE, ]: if self.server_port: warnings.warn( f"No open ports specified. Setting default port {self.server_port} to open." ) self.open_ports = [str(self.server_port)] else: warnings.warn( f"No open ports specified. Make sure the relevant port is open. " f"HTTPS default: {DEFAULT_HTTPS_PORT} and HTTP " f"default: {DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT}." ) # ----------------- Launch/Lifecycle Methods -----------------
[docs] def is_up(self) -> bool: """Whether the cluster is up. Example: >>> rh.ondemand_cluster("rh-cpu").is_up() """ if self.on_this_cluster(): return True self._update_from_sky_status(dryrun=False) return self.address is not None
def _sky_status(self, refresh: bool = True, retry: bool = True): """ Get status of Sky cluster. Return dict looks like: .. code-block:: {'name': 'sky-cpunode-donny', 'launched_at': 1662317201, 'handle': ResourceHandle( cluster_name=sky-cpunode-donny, head_ip=, cluster_yaml=/Users/donny/.sky/generated/sky-cpunode-donny.yml, launched_resources=1x AWS(m6i.2xlarge), tpu_create_script=None, tpu_delete_script=None), 'last_use': 'sky cpunode', 'status': <ClusterStatus.UP: 'UP'>, 'autostop': -1, 'metadata': {}} .. note:: For more information see SkyPilot's :code:`ResourceHandle` `class <>`_. """ if not sky.global_user_state.get_cluster_from_name( return None try: state = sky.status(cluster_names=[], refresh=refresh) except rich.errors.LiveError as e: # We can't have more than one Live display at once, so if we've already launched one (e.g. the first # time we call status), we can retry without refreshing if not retry: raise e return self._sky_status(refresh=False, retry=False) # We still need to check if the cluster present in case the cluster went down and was removed from the DB if len(state) == 0: return None return state[0] def _start_ray_workers(self, ray_port, env): # Find the internal IP corresponding to the public_head_ip and the rest are workers internal_head_ip = None worker_ips = [] stable_internal_external_ips = self._sky_status()[ "handle" ].stable_internal_external_ips for internal, external in stable_internal_external_ips: if external == self.address: internal_head_ip = internal else: # NOTE: Using external worker address here because we're running from local worker_ips.append(external) logger.debug(f"Internal head IP: {internal_head_ip}") for host in worker_ips: f"Starting Ray on worker {host} with head node at {internal_head_ip}:{ray_port}." ) commands=[ f"ray start --address={internal_head_ip}:{ray_port} --disable-usage-stats", ], node=host, env=env, ) time.sleep(5) def _populate_connection_from_status_dict(self, cluster_dict: Dict[str, Any]): if cluster_dict and cluster_dict["status"].name in ["UP", "INIT"]: handle = cluster_dict["handle"] self.address = handle.head_ip self.stable_internal_external_ips = handle.stable_internal_external_ips yaml_path = handle.cluster_yaml if Path(yaml_path).exists(): ssh_values = backend_utils.ssh_credential_from_yaml(yaml_path) if not self.creds_values: from runhouse.resources.secrets.utils import setup_cluster_creds self._creds = setup_cluster_creds(ssh_values, # Add worker IPs if multi-node cluster - keep the head node as the first IP self.ips = [ext for _, ext in self.stable_internal_external_ips] else: self.address = None self._creds = None self.stable_internal_external_ips = None def _update_from_sky_status(self, dryrun: bool = False): # Try to get the cluster status from SkyDB if self.is_shared: # If the cluster is shared can ignore, since the sky data will only be saved on the machine where # the cluster was initially upped return cluster_dict = self._sky_status(refresh=not dryrun) self._populate_connection_from_status_dict(cluster_dict) def get_instance_type(self): if self.instance_type and "--" in self.instance_type: # K8s specific syntax return self.instance_type elif ( self.instance_type and ":" not in self.instance_type and "CPU" not in self.instance_type ): return self.instance_type return None def accelerators(self): if ( self.instance_type and ":" in self.instance_type and "CPU" not in self.instance_type ): return self.instance_type return None def num_cpus(self): if ( self.instance_type and ":" in self.instance_type and "CPU" in self.instance_type ): return self.instance_type.rsplit(":", 1)[1] return None
[docs] def up(self): """Up the cluster. Example: >>> rh.ondemand_cluster("rh-cpu").up() """ if self.on_this_cluster(): return self supported_providers = ["cheapest"] + list(sky.clouds.CLOUD_REGISTRY) if self.provider not in supported_providers: raise ValueError( f"Cluster provider {self.provider} not supported. Must be one {supported_providers} supported by SkyPilot." ) task = sky.Task(num_nodes=self.num_instances) cloud_provider = ( sky.clouds.CLOUD_REGISTRY.from_str(self.provider) if self.provider != "cheapest" else None ) task.set_resources( sky.Resources( # TODO: confirm if passing instance type in old way (without --) works when provider is k8s cloud=cloud_provider, instance_type=self.get_instance_type(), accelerators=self.accelerators(), cpus=self.num_cpus(), memory=self.memory, region=self.region or configs.get("default_region"), disk_size=self.disk_size, ports=self.open_ports, image_id=self.image_id, use_spot=self.use_spot, ) ) if Path("~/.rh/config.yaml").expanduser().exists(): task.set_file_mounts( { "~/.rh/config.yaml": "~/.rh/config.yaml", } ) sky.launch( task,, idle_minutes_to_autostop=self._autostop_mins, down=True, ) self._update_from_sky_status() self.restart_server() return self
[docs] def keep_warm(self, autostop_mins: int = -1): """Keep the cluster warm for given number of minutes after inactivity. Args: autostop_mins (int): Amount of time (in min) to keep the cluster warm after inactivity. If set to -1, keep cluster warm indefinitely. (Default: `-1`) """ self.autostop_mins = autostop_mins return self
[docs] def teardown(self): """Teardown cluster. Example: >>> rh.ondemand_cluster("rh-cpu").teardown() """ # Stream logs sky.down( self.address = None
[docs] def teardown_and_delete(self): """Teardown cluster and delete it from configs. Example: >>> rh.ondemand_cluster("rh-cpu").teardown_and_delete() """ self.teardown() rns_client.delete_configs(resource=self)
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def pause_autostop(self): """Context manager to temporarily pause autostop. Example: >>> with rh.ondemand_cluster.pause_autostop(): >>>["python"]) """ sky.autostop(, idle_minutes=-1) yield sky.autostop(, idle_minutes=self._autostop_mins, down=True)
# ----------------- SSH Methods ----------------- #
[docs] @staticmethod def cluster_ssh_key(path_to_file): """Retrieve SSH key for the cluster. Example: >>> ssh_priv_key = rh.ondemand_cluster("rh-cpu").cluster_ssh_key("~/.ssh/id_rsa") """ try: f = open(path_to_file, "r") private_key = return private_key except FileNotFoundError: raise Exception(f"File with ssh key not found in: {path_to_file}")
[docs] def ssh(self, node: str = None): """SSH into the cluster. If no node is specified, will SSH onto the head node. Example: >>> rh.ondemand_cluster("rh-cpu").ssh() >>> rh.ondemand_cluster("rh-cpu", node="").ssh() """ if self.provider == "kubernetes": command = f"kubectl get pods | grep {}" try: output = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True, text=True) lines = output.strip().split("\n") if lines: pod_name = lines[0].split()[0] else:"No matching pods found.") except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: raise Exception(f"Error: {e}") cmd = f"kubectl exec -it {pod_name} -- /bin/bash", shell=True, check=True) else: # If SSHing onto a specific node, which requires the default sky public key for verification from runhouse.resources.hardware.sky_ssh_runner import SkySSHRunner, SshMode ssh_user = self.creds_values.get("ssh_user") sky_key = Path( self.creds_values.get("ssh_private_key", self.DEFAULT_KEYFILE) ).expanduser() if not sky_key.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"Expected default sky key in path: {sky_key}") runner = SkySSHRunner( ip=node or self.address, ssh_user=ssh_user, port=self.ssh_port, ssh_private_key=sky_key, ) runner._ssh_base_command( ssh_mode=SshMode.INTERACTIVE, port_forward=None ) )